Thursday, November 24, 2005

Love is...

Love is when you love a person knowing that he/she may not be with you forever.

When the person whom you like is leaving, there is a momentary heaviness in the heart during his/her departure. But the very news of person whom you love, will be leaving in few days/months, creates heaviness in heart and the heaviness increases as the days pass.
And with each passing day, you treasure every moment you are together with that person. Yet deep within, there is an uncomfortable feeling, that the person who is sitting right next to you, talking and spending time together, will be leaving you forever and/or will not be same again.

And when the d-day comes for the person to depart, it still appears like a bolt from the blue as if this was the first time you heard this news. Still knowing the fact that you are going to miss the person forever and/or things may not the same again, you hide your emotions and still smile & wish them “Best of Luck”, “All the Best” etc when they leave. This is Love.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Purpose of my Life

There were times when I used to wonder about my existance on this earth. What am I doing here? What is the purpose of my life? Was I just born to struggle amidst the pain, sorrow and the likes? Was I born to just enjoy and do the same thing that everyone does and go away? What have I done to justify existence in this world? Has my existance been of any use to anyone, atleast to a worm?And most the time, I dont get a proper answer for these questions and then I have to conclude myself that I have lived a life not-worth-telling and I feel I have wasted years.
As time went by, I had a strange realization. Why not create a purpose of my own (till the real purpose is known) and live up and work for that? And I did that.I found a sense of satisfaction in me. So creating a purpose and working for that became a purpose of my life (till I find the real one!).

While working on some purpose ,if I have not given myself to the fullest to my work(however small!),then inspite of all the appreciations and good name I get for that work, there is a sense of dissatisfaction in me.On the other hand, if I have given myself to the fullest to my work(however small!), then in spite of no-appreciation, worst case I get criticisms for that work there is a sense of satisfaction that I have been true to myself and in my work.
That I believe is the one of the purpose of my life(till I find something worth!!) - ie to be true to oneself!

Moral I learnt - Living for a purpose(if not found, then create it!!) and being true to oneself.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A thought on Friendship....

Friendship is like first-aid kit, we take in the journey called life. You never know when you will need them. When you are hurt, they come in handy. True friends are like the items in the First-aid kit. Some may be harsh as an antiseptic, some may be soft as cotton, some may be soothing like a cream but they all serve the same purpose - to help you. They may not save your life, but they make sure things dont get worse.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Dare to Dream

Success comes to those who really need it and work for it. Success of not a commodity to be bought in the market. Success cannot be attributed to a definite thing. It all depends on the person defining it, be it getting 100% marks or becoming rich& famous or inventing new stuff etc…. In other words, achieving one’s goal.

To be successful, one must dream of it. Thoughts rule a person. Thinking of one’s goals constantly and working towards it leads to success. In other words, dreams of success day and night. Thoughts are voluntary and may be hindered by many factors, if they are not strong enough to withstand them. Whereas dream comes out of our subconscious mind, that really forms the core of a person’s mentality. It is unbounded and limitless, and more we dream more pleasure it gives. Even if one fails in the attempts to achieve success, the dreams still live.

So, why not everyone have a goal and dream about it? Dream here doesn’t mean useless day-dreaming of wild fantasies, but something that has a purpose, something one want to achieve in life. Let our dream not be restricted, but let it be bigger. If you have the guts, dream the impossible. Too funny it may seem, it has been proved that Dreams of Today will be Reality of Tomorrow. It was the dream of Wright to fly, that made them decide a flying machine. It was ridiculed by many at that time, but it has come to reality due to sheer hard work to make their dream come true. Late Dhirubhai Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries was clerk at a petrol pump when he was young. It was his dream to grow and establish himself along with hard work made him establish a vast business empire. It could have been a dream that was beyond his status at that time. But he Dared to Dream and finally achieved it. He says “Our dreams have to be bigger. Our ambitions higher. Our commitment deeper and our effort greater. This is my dream for Reliance and India.”

So lets all Dream bigger (atleast in dreams we should be bigger ones). Lets all dream and dream of success. Let this dreams be converted to thoughts. Let these thoughts become a part of our subconscious mind and let it finally become action backed by strong will and hard-work. And we can be sure that this Dream will become a Reality one day.