Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Letting it go

Take up new opportunities and move forward and be happy or hold-on to the same old things and stay where you are and regret later

Often, there comes a time in our life where we need to let go off the things that we cherished the most. It could be leaving our friends to travel abroad, a new role in the job from existing one, leaving the team to join another team, leaving something that we had passionately created to taken care by someone else etc. Some of it would be so close to heart that we unknowingly become possessive about it especially when we had worked so hard to get it done. Its a very difficult situation to be in. But choice has to be made. Being the same place or doing the same work because of emotional attachment, is definitely not a good idea in the long run. It in-fact would create monotony and boredom and could be fatal in reaching our long term goal.

We live in a very dynamic world, where change is the only constant. If we dont change at the right time, then we would be forced to change at the wrong time. With every change, there's a whole set of new responsibilities, new challenges, new faces, new opportunities to be explored. Holding on to the old things because of emotional attachment, may definitely not be a good thing, as it would be difficult to concentrate on both the things at same time, ultimately screwing up both.

What we need to understand is that we might have been provided a new opportunity like - change in work, travel abroad for higher education, new assignment etc because of the good work we have done in the current level, and its only expected that we move to next level. We never know, such a move could be a catalystic change in reaching our ambition or long term goal.
You have done a good work, let it go when the right time comes to take up the next one.Who knows you could be the missing piece in the jig-saw puzzle?There are more opportunities around calling you.Take it up and move forward or hang on to old one and stay where you are and regret later.

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