Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why so-called Good people fail ?

One trend we observe is all good men & women is they stick to their values.At the same time very restrictive, rigid and closed.
As they move on in life, most of them as much as they want to live by values, they don’t attempt to expand themselves and still live by values. Their minds are so restricted that they focus on what is not to be followed to make sure they don’t follow it.  In other words, focusing on restriction not opportunities!

On the other hand, so called unethical or bad guys move forward. It’s because their mind is open, they know what they need and they expand themselves.
As per law of  attraction, you attract what you wish or think all day long. Let’s take case of money.the so called unethical people, think of money and look for ways to achieve it and in the end they attract it(if its unethical means, law of karma will take care). Money can be achieved in honest and smart ways too. On the other hand, rather than focusing on honest ideas to generate money, the so called good guys focus on what they should not be doing. In the end attract only the restriction and not the money.

Focusing on what we don’t have is equally negative.

Such mindset could be easily passed on the next generation, unless a smart bright kid decides to break the rules. Maybe this also explain why poor are poor always - focusing on poverty than thinking ways to come out of it.

In the end, they end up blaming or complaining about people who move forward
Restriction could be due to number of reasons - way they were brought up, education system, mentoring etc

While it important to live a life of virtues, it’s equally important to leave a happy life. Happiness comes from expansion of self. There many living examples of successful people living a honest and happy life!
We are part of ever expanding universe and why should our thoughts/ dreams that should be without boundaries, be restricted.

To grow and lead a peaceful life
We were created.
Not to live a life of pain and regret
By living a life so restricted!


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