Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stepping into New Year 2009 - Hope,Time,Change & Blessings

As the dawn breaks on the last day of this year 31 Dec 2008, with hours ticking away to enter into the New year, its time we take some moments off to self-introspect our lives in past one year.Its just a thought to share on this fag end of the year.While they say that everyday could be a new beginning, New Year day is always special, because whole world awaits for this new beginning, with the Hope that things will become better.

Our personal lives may have been a mix of both ups and downs like any other year. On the international front, I feel that this year 2008 was dramatic one, may even say historic also; an example would be the Obama being elected as President of USA. In 2008, the world more of negative events than positive ones - like the fall of financial giants like Lehman Brothers, WaMu that sent the ripples across the world economy, the Mumbai terrorist attacks, lay-offs, accidents etc.

Yet we can learn a lesson or two from these events.For example, the fall of century old financial giants like Lehman Brothers,WaMu etc has shown what can happen due to lack of proper regulations or control, Mumbai attacks have shown the weakness of Indian Intelligence department. But these events have also awakened us to change , to challenge and to streamline the system we were used to since the times of yore.

In spite of all this, we know that all is not lost. While there could be a huge negative events to frown, to worry and to feel bitter about, there would definitely be few events in our lives which would have made us feel good like - blessing from elders, good times we spent with loved ones, meeting that special person, appreciation from boss, fun time with friends, wishes from family and friends, new job, reunions, get-togethers, sweet memories, personal achievements, discovering new friends etc. or any other trivial but important things that touched us deeply. I would call them as Blessings. We should count these blessings in this testing times as they give us hope to get us going.These blessing are crutches we can hold on as we move,in these uncertain times.

Some forecast that 2009 may be even worse. While it may or may not be true, it can help us to be cautious as we keep moving. We can still make a new beginning. Time is a great healer - it can heal any kind of past scars in life. Hope is a great mover - it get us to move on in life . When Time and Hope come together, they can bring about the inevitable - the Change. And like any other bad times, this too will pass.

As we step into the New year, lets us step in with HOPE that TIME will CHANGE the things for better.And as we move, lets hold on to our BLESSINGS

Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year 2009 with Abundance of Health, Wealth and Blessings !

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