Friday, January 01, 2010

A Personal realization on this New Year 2010 – Acceptance and Hope

Like many, I was into deep retrospect of the just gone year 2009. Was deep into thought, when I realized that, while most the professional and family related wishes were fulfilled, my personal wish-list was totally untouched. All the items in the wish-list had financial strings attached to it. I realized that my personal financial commitment had totally taken me off my sight rather thought of my wish-list! There was an element of pain and frustration but too feeble to voice it out. Every moment I thought about it, there was such a negative feeling of frustration and pain – similar to a child crying when pulled off lollipop from its mouth! There was nothing I could do about it as none those things were in my control and I had other important priorities. After some quiet moments and self-consolation (just short of tears), I realized I had to accept the things that cannot be changed. It is better said than done! It wasn’t easy and it did take (and still taking!!) some time to accept it. Fretting over it again and again was kindling my negative emotions and it is definitely was not good for me and people around me. A good part of the New Year day was gone fighting over it. Can’t afford to lose the remaining part of the day!

As I slowly started accepting it, there was a kind of instant calm inside me. Did I bury my wish list?? No way..! I did feel like burying it but then it was something so close to my heart that I just couldn’t do it. It’s just became this year’s wish-list with the hope that it would be full-filled.

Most of us may have faced similar kind of situation. Acceptance of past will create a burdenless present and Hope for a better future.

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