Monday, January 11, 2010

Perfect Situation??

There is nothing called a Perfect situation, only a perfect excuse

Most of us wait for things to get better before taking action.The truth is that if we keep waiting for it, we would be waiting forever. There is nothing called a perfect situation,maybe I would call it a perfect excuse!. Taking time to analyze the situation to take right action is fine, but waiting for a situation to get better to take any action is procastination. Its the process of delaying things because of fear of failure. In other words, a perfect(proper/right/approriate..whatever the term maybe) situation is not the circumstance but our attitude to face the situation. Its the only way to move forward.A soldier cannot wait for a such situation in a war nor can CEO in crisis period.

Everyone of us face such situations in our daily lives.Its a challenge thrown at us.An action needs to be taken.No matter whatever action it is,however small it is, it would definitely make the things move forward, leaving us more confident,stronger and motivated.These small actions fuel us to take on bigger challenges, building our inner strength and confidence and in turn build others' confidence in us. And this defines our leadership. It just requires just one quality - ATTITUDE. What makes a leader is what one does in Crisis and not when things are rosy!

In worst case, even if the action we have taken is wrong,it does gives an invaluable learning called Experience.

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