Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Simple Moments

"Present moment is a mystery demystified. Enjoy it."

The beauty of life is that ‘next’ moment is always a mystery. Some of these moments could be unforgettable for any of the reasons - good or bad!
Taking up a positive note, the unforgettable moments are not always moment of glory or achievement or success - though it could be one. Everyone remembers their first success, first winning, first day on job etc but may not remember the consecutive ones.

There are some simple incidents beyond our boundaries we live in, like an unexpected help from a stranger during a travel, unexpected smile from a person we haven’t spoken before, innocent talk of an kid ,kiss of a infant, unexpected gesture of a boss, looking at puppies playing, getting a unexpected personal note from an acquaintance, listening to a beautiful piece of music, a casual conversation with a person that had a big impact on you etc these moments are touching and cannot be described but only be felt and savored in silence. Just being aware will open up to these great experiences!

While looking forward for the big ones, do cherish and treasure these simple ones. When you sum up life, it just boils down to few moments and it could be some of these simple ones!

Present moment is a mystery demystified. Enjoy it.

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