Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Power of Appreciation

"Nothing is too small to be appreciated. No honest appreciation is too small to make a difference."

Every soul in this world has inner need to be recognized. Appreciation is the inexpensive yet valuable form of recognition. It’s an indicator of effort or the idea or the work being recognized.

Appreciation is morale booster. One never knows what an honest appreciation is capable of doing. When a work cannot be rewarded monetarily, a word of appreciation could be a rewarding one.

Appreciating a person’s effort or work in spite of its failure, really does wonders for the shattered morale. It helps to regain the confidence and propels in moving forward.

When a person appreciates, it shows his/her sense of gratitude, the ability to see the positive effort beyond the failed results, open-mindedness, ability to put him/her self in other person shoes and understand what it really takes to do the work etc. It fosters a good relationship. Anyone will be willing to take a positive criticism from a person who appreciates than from a person who looks for only the shortcoming. A closed mind is incapable of appreciating things.

It just takes a few moments to appreciate but could leave a lasting impact.

Appreciating need not always be restricted to formal atmosphere like cubicles or boardrooms or classrooms alone, it could be a compliment for personal things too like the dressing, a joke, a personal traits, a smile, a positive attitude, a quick response from a customer service, a painting done by a child, good dish in eatery etc.. Each one is unique and special and it’s even more special to look and appreciate the uniqueness.

Nothing is too small to be appreciated. No honest appreciation is too small to make a difference. Look around with an open mind and appreciate with an open heart and create a positive impact! You never know, your simple words could make a positive impact!

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