Monday, April 26, 2010

Smile @ workplace

" Smile - a magic curve on the face needs a positive thought to bend it."
"Let your smile be a mirror – let others see what they already have or what they are missing!"

In this fast paced work environment with ‘succeed at any cost’ value system, cut-throat competition, fast food, quick lunch, frenzied work atmosphere etc there is no time for real meaningful breaks. Preoccupied and tired faces with exhausted energy moving around like robots, forgetting the fact that they are humans are common work place scenarios. Sometimes, even informal interactions happen with formal and expression-less face missing out an important element – a smile.

Take a break and smile. A smile provides a momentary break but albeit a valuable one. Smile not for medical reasons or everlasting health – but to take a break, to make a silent communication or a simple ‘hi’. It’s impossible to think a negative thought and smile at the same time. That magic curve on the face needs a positive thought to bend it!

Fake a smile, until it becomes part of the face. While it’s not possible to maintain a positive outlook all the time, but making sure to lend that smile during that common encounters like meeting someone at their desk, when someone comes to your desk, at ‘hi’ to known faces in that walkway, to the security at the gate, to the office-boy etc .will definitely make a difference. Every time you laugh or smile, you are recharging your batteries and others as well- sending out bouts of positive energy. While you may not do a good deed to everyone everyday, you can do a noble act just by smiling everyday. Everyone’s has their own share of burdens; your smile could be a momentary pain relief spray for them. As H. Jackson Brown Jr puts it “Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day”. Let your smile be a mirror – let others see what they already have or what they are missing!

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